2017 Star Prediction: Emma Stone, The Red Carpet Queen


This red haired beauty would be nothing but the queen of 2017, or at least the first quarter of the year. After succesfully making box office movies years in the past, this year she finally come back as the main actress in the movie La La Land. The movie got so many great critics and reviews, and last week it won 7 Golden Globe Awards including Best Motion Picture (Musical or Comedy) and Best Performance of an Actress in a Motion Picture (Musical or Comedy). 

Golden Globe has been known as an “indicator” for The Academy Award (The Oscars) winners and nominees. As we all know, usually, whoever get the victory at the Golden Globe would get the same victory at The Oscar. And by that, we can easily conclude that Emma Stone will be nowhere but red carpets marathons, and ended up winning The Oscar (even though there is no official nomination yet, but yeah we just know).

Okay, what if our prediction, or let’s say my prediction, of her as 2017 Oscar winner come out wrong? Will she lost the spotlight? 

The answer is NO WAY. No matter what happend, no matter if she win or lose, she would still ruling the year. Because after all, award season means red carpet marathons, and red carpet marathons means FASHION. In this case, Emma Stone is one the gods. 

Couple days ago at the Golden Globe, she looked perfectly stunning in Maison Valentino silver dress and definetly deserved the-best dressed-actress-of-the-night title. Two years ago, she grabbed everyone’s attention on the red carpets (Golden Globe-SAG-The Oscar-After party). I must say, it was probably her best red carpet marathon moments and she wasn’t even the main actress nominee! And, in a few weeks ahead, as she is now a leading role from an a-listed movie, her chance to recreate her glorious red carpet marathon  is much more than possible. So, be ready guys... because Emma Stone, the red carpet queen, will hypnotize you.  


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