Indonesia Fashion Industry: Moslem Fashion Movement


These days, Indonesian young designers are much more creative and competitive. They came from the fashion design school and get out with the whole lot of new things. They gives us a bit of a fresh air and together they help to recreate the Indonesian fashion uniqueness.

Based on unique means existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics. So what is so unique about Indonesian fashion? What makes Indonesian fashion industry different and incomparable? The answer is the muslim fashion movement.

Indonesia has long known as the most moslem populated in the world. But, what interesting is, Indonesian moslem, aside from the fashion industry, is way more "colorful" than moslems in another country. I use the word "colorful" because Indonesian moslems are always far from the dark-negative perpectives. Everytime terrorism occur in many well-known western countries, the suspicion and blame always fall to the middle-eastern moslems. 

I am personally not an islamic antropological/sosiological expert, but somehow I think these thing shaped by Indonesian moslems way of life. As I see, Indonesian moslems are tend to be more flexible and open minded, that's why they adapt to modernism so easily. This has indirectly effecting the way they dressed, the way they do fashion. 

In the middle-east, all the girls know is to wear the black burqa. But in Indonesia, the girls are so confident to wear headscarf and combined it with the latest fashion trend. You can see them wearing H&M coolest crop top and combined it with the flare long skirt and flowery headscarf. And then at the the other side, there will be a headscarf girl with an edgy soul wear all black head to toe and add a cool statement necklace, statement shoes, and an intimidating plum lipstick to boost up the the whole look.  

Those kind of streetstyles must have inspired the young and new designers to bring the Indonesian fashion to the world. For the last couple of years, famous names such as Dian Pelangi, Jenahara, Restu Anggraini, Zaskia Sungkar, and Ria Miranda have proven that hijab fashion is something else that Indonesian should be proud of and finally another new comer Anniesa Hasibuan brought it to a higher level as she took a chance to show her "De Jayakarta" collection in New York Fashion Week (NYFW) SS 2017. 

She made a history as the first Indonesian designer in NYFW and also the first designer who delivered the whole look with headscarf. Her collection was highly appreciated as she closed the show with rounds of standing applause, something that unlikely happens in NYFW. She made the world open their eyes about Indonesian fashion, the moslem fashion movement, and who knows? Maybe Indonesian ambition to be the center of moslem fashion industry will becoming true in couple years ahead.

D Jayakarta by Anniesa Hasibuan at NYFW SS 2017


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